6 Reasons Why Your Patients Are Missing Telehealth Appointments

Telehealth appointment

Patients are often hesitant to try new things, especially regarding their health. This can be a significant barrier to entry for telehealth appointments. When patients are first allowed to book a telehealth appointment, they may not be sure what to expect or how it will work. Here are six common reasons why patients miss their telehealth appointments:

They Don’t Understand How it Works

Many patients are still unfamiliar with how telehealth works. They may not know that they can book an appointment online or that they will be able to see and speak to their doctor from the comfort of their own home. This lack of understanding can make patients feel unsure about the whole process and ultimately decide not to book an appointment. You should ensure that your patients know exactly how to book and attend a telehealth appointment through medical appointment setting service or other means of outreach and marketing.

They’re Not Sure if Their Insurance Covers It

This is a valid concern as some insurance companies are still reluctant to cover telehealth appointments. However, more and more insurers are beginning to see the value of telehealth and offering coverage for these appointments. Patients should check with their insurer to see if their policy covers telehealth appointments before making their appointment. Adopting patient retention solutions like appointment reminder calls can help with this as you can include a brief insurance coverage check during the call.

They Don’t Have the Right Equipment

To participate in a telehealth appointment, patients must have a few pieces of equipment, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone with a front-facing camera. They will also need to download the necessary software or app for their appointment. If patients don’t have the right equipment or are unsure how to use it, they may be hesitant to book a telehealth appointment. Patient retention solutions like providing a customer care number can help with this as patients can call and receive guidance on how to use the equipment and software prior to their appointment.

They’re Not Comfortable Using Technology

For some patients, using technology can be daunting. They may not use video chat software or apps and feel more comfortable communicating in person. This can be a significant barrier to entry for telehealth appointments. Patients not comfortable using technology may need extra help getting set up for their appointment or may decide to forego the appointment altogether. Outsourcing appointment scheduling to a company that specializes in patient retention can help with this as they will be able to provide guidance and support to patients prior to their appointment.

They Have Scheduling Conflicts

Just like with in-person appointments, patients may have scheduling conflicts that prevent them from attending their telehealth appointment. They may have to work late or take care of family members and won’t be able to make their appointment. Patients should try to schedule their telehealth appointments for a time when they know they will be available and can give the appointment their full attention. Medical appointment setting service or outsourcing appointment scheduling can help with this.

They Don’t Think It’s Necessary

Some patients may not see the need for a telehealth appointment and decide to skip it. They may not feel ill or think their condition is not severe enough to warrant a doctor’s visit. However, telehealth appointments can be beneficial for all patients, even those who are feeling well. These appointments can help patients avoid potential health problems and allow doctors to catch any issues early. By outsourcing appointment scheduling, you can help ensure that patients understand the importance of telehealth appointments and make them more likely to attend their appointment.

Telehealth appointments are becoming increasingly popular, but they’re not always easy to schedule. By understanding why patients may miss their telehealth appointments, doctors can work to accommodate their patients better and schedule more successful appointments. Call 4 Health is a telehealth provider that allows patients to book and attend appointments. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you schedule successful telehealth appointments.