Physician Info Referral Locator


Physician Info Referral Locator

Call 4 Health makes it simple for your callers to obtain a physician referral. Our call center agents understand how to match callers’ preferences to a local physician affiliated with your organization. We take into account such things as office location, medical specialty, accepted insurance providers, office hours and anything else you specify. Call 4 Health’s Physician Information and Referral Services are provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • Makes Finding A Physician Convenient And Easy For Customers
  • Helps Reinforce Customer Relationships
  • Positions Hospital As More Accessible And Visible In The Community
  • Provides Resource For Data Collection And ROI Analysis
  • Forum For Promoting Other Hospital Services

letIn addition to specialized training our agents receive, Call 4 Health can customize the processing of your calls. Based on your needs, our agents provide callers with information related to a physician’s office, assist with appointment scheduling, connect callers to physician’s office and promote service based on what their looking for when they need it. Call 4 Health can assist with any fulfillment requirements based what your caller’s need.

Call 4 Health adds value to any medical facility by outsourcing answering services to professional live U.S. based medical answering service operators. Call us now for more info or to listen to our courteous and professional operators 855.244.3258. Or contact us for more information on any of our medical answering solutions.