Awards and Recognition


Awards and Recognition

Call 4 Health wins ATSI Call Center Award of Distinction 2017

Call 4 Health of Delray Beach, FL has been honored with the prestigious 2017 ATSI Call Center Award of Distinction by the Association of TeleServices International (ATSI).  The industry’s Trade Association for providers of Call Center services, recognized Call 4 Health at ATSI’s 2017 Annual Convention held at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL.

The Call Center Award of Distinction is a tool used to measure the skills of professional Call Center Agents throughout North America and the UK over a six-month period.

An independent panel of judges score call-handling skills for “enhanced service” applications, focusing their attention on the cornerstones of the Call Management Industry.  Criteria measured include:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Capabilities
  • Courtesy to Caller
  • Overall Professionalism
  • Use of Proper Call Techniques
  • Response Times
  • Accuracy of Call

The ATSI Award of Distinction focuses on longer, more involved call handling.  Agents are judged on their ability to follow the call scripts while engaging callers on a personal, human level, demonstrating the highest level of  knowledge about the account, and to complete the given transaction requirements. The Award of Distinction is just that—the best of the best!  These companies are setting new standards for the Call Center Industry.” says ATSI President Doug Robbins.

The award began 15 years ago as a means to improve the overall quality of the call center  industry by measuring complex call  handling procedures.  The purpose is to elevate the industry and ensure a successful call handling experiences.

ATSI extends its congratulations to the staff of Call 4 Health on their proven quality service to their customers.

About ATSI

The Association of TeleServices International was founded in 1942 as a national trade association representing live answering services.  ATSI now encompasses companies across North America and the UK offering specialized and enhanced operator based services including: call centers, contact centers, inbound telemarketing (order entry), paging, voice messaging, emergency dispatch, fax, and internet services among others.

About Call 4 Health

Call 4 Health adds value to any medical facility by outsourcing answering services to professional live U.S. based medical answering service operators. Call us now for more info or to listen to our courteous and professional operators 855.244.3258. Or contact us for more information on any of our medical answering solutions.