Electronic Messaging Email And Chat


Electronic Messaging Email And Chat


  • FAQ & Document Publishing
  • Website Visitor Assistance
  • Live Website Conversations
  • Live Instant Messaging Help
  • Multilingual Chat Services
  • Delivery of Chat Transcripts

Our Live Chat Agents Are Always Here For Your Patients. 24/7

Business never stops, especially on the Internet. This is why Call 4 Health’s live web chat agents are crucial and a powerful tool for your organization. Available 24/7, Call 4 Health assists your web-enabled customers when they need help not just when your doors are open. Call4Health’s web chat service uses state of the art Internet software to serve them.

our-liveCall 4 Health is your online customer care representative, we chat with them real-time. Our user friendly chat software requires no downloads or third party software and connects right through your website. We monitor all customer requests, they communicate directly with our agents no longer do they have to wait for service. They have a question, it is answered immediately! Can you measure the value of that? How crucial is that to your customers and staff? No more waiting for answers. Think about it.

Call 4 Health adds value to any medical facility by outsourcing answering services to professional live U.S. based medical answering service operators. Call us now for more info or to listen to our courteous and professional operators 855.244.3258. Or contact us for more information on any of our medical answering solutions.